The One Thing Your Severance Packages are Missing

Goal Setting in the New Year

A personal career coach is a very inexpensive benefit with a very high return.

Over more than forty years, the Career Transition Coaches at The Center for Leadership Excellence and Career Consultants have heard far too many horror stories from individuals about how badly they were treated while learning they were losing their jobs.

When an individual loses their job, it’s normal for them to feel hurt, angry, vulnerable, or even betrayed. Work is more than just making a living for most individuals. One’s job influences how one sees oneself, as well as how others view us. It gives us structure, purpose, and meaning in our lives.

As a result, a job loss can be a very stressful experience. Beyond the loss of income, losing a job can mean a loss of professional identity, diminished self-confidence, and the loss of one’s social network as well as the end of a familiar daily routine.

Leaders, focused on building a great organizational culture, work to ensure the organization’s reputation as a great place to work is maintained, even as reductions in forces or layoffs are occurring. These leaders discovered an effective way to mitigate the problem is to add a single inexpensive benefit to an individual’s severance package: a Personal Career Coach.

The Cost/Benefits of a Personal Career Coach as Part of a Severance Package.

The cost of the Personal Career Coach benefit typically amounts to less than two weeks of the individual’s salary* and generates a very high return on investment for the organization. It shows the organization cares about its people even beyond their employment with the organization, to both existing and departing employees.

Additionally, a certified Career Coach helps ensure the individual can deal with the stress of losing their job and sets their job search on the right track. The Personal Career Coaches at CLE work with each individual until their job search is complete, no matter how long it takes. As a result, it is not uncommon for our coaches to hear our clients tell us, “Having a Career Coach was one of the best benefits my former employer provided.”

Going forward, make certain your organization includes a certified, Personal Career Coach as part of the severance package for individuals being transitioned out of the organization. Learn more about what services are provided by a career coach at or contact Jane Richardson, at (317) 652-1681 or

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