Best Places to Work Provide Personal Career Coaches to Individuals Transitioning Out of The Organization

Goal Setting in the New Year

t’s Part of Their Culture Strategy

The employee experience doesn’t end on an individual’s last day of work. Building a great culture means treating the employees with compassion and empathy in their transition out of the organization.  Providing a Personal Career Coach, as a part of the departure package shows that the organization cares about its people – beyond their employment with the organization, and actively takes steps to demonstrate and preserve your organizational culture.

 The” life cycle” of an organization’s culture begins with the first impression during the selection process, evolves during the onboarding process, continues when they are assigned challenging roles and have the benefit of a good supervisor who is also a coach and mentor and treats everyone with respect, regardless of gender, race, religion, or nationality. All of that goodwill can be lost if the organization does not conduct the transition meeting skillfully and provide one additional service, a certified Personal Career Coach, to ensure the individual is able to deal with the stress of losing their job and work with the individual until their job search is complete, no matter how long it takes.

A Personal Career Coach, as a part of the departure package, shows that the organization cares about its people – beyond their employment with the organization – and actively takes steps to demonstrate and preserve its organizational culture. It not only demonstrates to the departing employee that you care, but it also shows your existing employees that your people are important to you – and you’ve made an investment to prove it!

Going forward, make certain your organization includes a certified, Personal Career Coach as part of the severance package for individuals being transitioned out of the organization. Learn more about what services are provided by a career coach, or contact Jane Richardson at (317) 652-1681 or

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